Financial Aid
Student Lines of Credit
A student line of credit is a great options for Canadian students with a valid co-signer. A line of credit is different from a loan because you take money out only as you need it and pay interest only on what you withdraw while you are in school.
Financial aid options for Canadian citizens or permanent residents only
Canada and Provincial Student Loans
Canada and Provincial Student Loans are available to Canadian Citizens and Landed Immigrants/Permanent Residents who are enrolled in a full-time program at NPC.
Government Student Loan funding is based on tuition, fees, books, supplies, living expenses, income and available resources and reaches a maximum yearly level that varies province by province.
Our Admissions Advisors are available to help answer your questions and provide detailed information on any aspect of qualifying criteria, maximum loan amounts, your specific situation, and applying for Student Assistance. The information below is provided only as a guide.
You can apply by contacting NPC office, or by visiting StudentAid BC
Canada Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)
An RESP is a, tax-deferred, savings vehicle generally used by parents to save for their children's post-secondary education.
Contributions to an RESP for a child beneficiary may be eligible for Canada Education Savings Grant payments (CESG). Investment earnings on contributions and CESG payments can grow tax-free until they are distributed and included in the recipient's income, and taxed accordingly. In most cases, the recipient is a student whose total income results in a minimal amount of tax.
NPC College of Arts & Design | Concept Design Diploma Program is committed to helping you fund your education by offering competitive scholarship opportunities from the day you begin your studies until you graduate.
Applicants to NPC Concept Design Diploma Program are automatically considered for the Scholarships once they complete their admissions requirements. Awards are based on the portfolio review and academic achievement of the applicant and can vary from student to student during the admission process.
Awards for fall 2023 applicants will be announced via mail and email. The successful candidates will receive their scholarship offer with their letter of admittance all together.
Medical Insurance Requirement
BC Medical Insurance is required by law for all students, international as well as Canadian, through the Medical Services Plan of B.C. Students from outside British Columbia and international students should apply for B.C. Medical insurance once arriving and establishing an address in BC. Coverage starts three months after the month in which you apply, so International students on visas should apply upon arrival and establishing a BC address. During the waiting period, your former insurance policy may cover you or you can arrange for private insurance through any broker for your first three months in BC.
NPC College of Arts + Design does not have a qualified counselor on staff to help students with personal issues. However, Administration and/or Student Services can provide information on where to contact professional counselors and therapists who are qualified for such a service. The closest resources are listed below.
Do not hesitate to speak to your program’s department head or Student Services if you are going through a tough situation and would like to speak to a counselor. Any issues relating to mental health or personal obstacles that hinder your work will remain confidential.
Other Resources for Public Service and Medical Service
Crisis Centre BC
24/7 Distress Phone Services. The Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Centre of BC (Crisis Centre) is a non-profit, volunteer organization committed to helping people help themselves and others deal with the crisis.
Greater Vancouver: 604-872-3311
Toll Free: 1-866-661-3311
1-800-SUICIDE: 1-800-784-2433
Richmond Hospital
7000 Westminster Hwy
Richmond, BC V6X1A2, Canada
Vancouver General Hospital
855 West 12th Avenue
Vancouver, BC V5Z 1N1, Canada
BC Mental Health Services
1555 Robson Street
Vancouver, BC
S.A.F.E.R. (Suicide Attempt Follow-up, Education and Research)
300-2425 Quebec Street
Vancouver, BC V5T 4L6
* this service is available to anyone and no medical insurance is required
Living Through Loss Counseling Society
#206-1651 Commercial Drive, Vancouver BC V5L 3Y2
Offers counseling for grief at lower rates
Mood Disorders Association of BC
200 – 460 Nanaimo Street
Vancouver, BC V5L 4W3
Women Against Violence Against Women (WAVAW)
PO Box 29084
1535 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC
V6J 5C2
By Phone:
WAVAW Office, Monday through Friday, 9am-5pm: 604 255 6228
24 Hour Crisis Line 604-255-6344
Toll-Free 1-877-392-7583
Vancouver Coastal Health
Locations for Community Mental Health Clinics:
In case of an emergency, call 911.